Holidailies update

FYI: I am running behind on setting up the Holidailies stuff this year. I will still do Holidailies this year, but I’m out of town and won’t be back until late Monday, which means nothing will get done before Tuesday night. So “updating in the month of December” may mean Dec. 6 (hey, it’s St. Nicholas’ Day) through Jan. 6 (hey, it’s Epiphany). Please be patient. I promise you I will update this site to let y’all know as soon as you can sign up for Holidailies.
Now I will go recover from too much turkey and forced social interaction. See y’all next week.

One thought on “Holidailies update”

  1. hey! This year I actually managed to finish my nano novel. That means that my holidailies are going to be totally successful too! Plus you know what the best part is – jan 6 is my bday! So if we end on that day… Well, it’s like happy bday to me, you rocking olj-er. Or something.

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