accentuating the yeah, yeah, yeah

I’m sure everyone is sick of hearing complaints about The Holiday Season, especially my complaints. I know I don’t want to hear another negative word out of myself … well, unless I am telling a good story, like the adventures of my Christmastime trip to the suburbs of New Orleans.
So I am going to list some of the positive, happy things about December and its accompanying holidays.

  • My boyfriend moved all his stuff into the house without incident.
  • We decorated the pink and sparkly Barbie tree and it looks so cool.
  • One of my coworkers gave me a Happy Bunny sign with a rather grumpy message on it, and no one seems to object to me posting this sign on my cubicle wall.
  • Everyone loved the family photo calendars I made, except for my sister’s quite justifiable objection to a certain photo I included (it had her ex in it).
  • I didn’t participate in any family fights this month.
  • I bought a new scanner and it rocks.
  • I got a raise. (I’m not sure I should be publicizing that, but hell, it’s good news and I’m being as vague as I can about it.)
  • I enjoyed lots and lots of chocolate.
  • I finished a lot of important project stuff at work.
  • I traveled by plane and nothing in my baggage broke or vanished.
  • I didn’t get the flu.
  • My boyfriend gave me an envelope before I left town, and told me not to open it until I got to my parents’ house. In the envelope, I found a mix CD with all kinds of songs I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to hear while on my family trip, and which I enjoyed immensely.
  • Friends and relatives gave me DVDs and Amazon gift certificates and as a result my non-Muppet DVD collection has doubled, I think. Maybe more than doubled if you don’t count the Billy Wilder boxed set.
  • We had oyster dressing at Christmas dinner.
  • My boyfriend drove me to and from the Austin airport, saving me a lot of money in either parking or shuttle services.

And that’s just the stuff I could remember right now. I’m sure all sorts of other wonderful things have happened that I can’t recall at this particular moment. Lovely gifts, sweet moments, fun events, etc.
Now that I’ve gotten that over with, next time I’ll share all the crap. I’ll try to make it entertaining.

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